Get Involved
We are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus, the living stones from which his Church is built. Beginning in October, we will be seeking people interested in helping with the various ministries of the Church. Your contribution of time and talent helps build the Body of Christ in the world, and all of us have an essential function to fulfill. Please prayerfully consider becoming a part of one of our Church's vital ministries. Opportunities to sign up and contact information for ministry coordinators will be presented at Mass the weekend of October 1 & 2, and throughout the month of October. A brief description of some of the ways in which you can become involved appears below.
We are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus, the living stones from which his Church is built. Beginning in October, we will be seeking people interested in helping with the various ministries of the Church. Your contribution of time and talent helps build the Body of Christ in the world, and all of us have an essential function to fulfill. Please prayerfully consider becoming a part of one of our Church's vital ministries. Opportunities to sign up and contact information for ministry coordinators will be presented at Mass the weekend of October 1 & 2, and throughout the month of October. A brief description of some of the ways in which you can become involved appears below.
LADIES OF ST. MARY These are the "Marthas" of the life of the Church (Luke 10:38-42), who provide the gift of hospitality by caring for and staffing the Parish Hall kitchen for functions, maintaining the "nooks and crannies" of the Church for all to use, and making our Church a welcoming and hospitable place. BEREAVEMENT MINISTRIES Our compassionate response to those who have suffered the loss of a loved one has two main focal points: helping with liturgical and music ministry for funeral Masses held at St. Mary, and providing a funeral dinner for family and friends of the departed. BUILDING AND GROUNDS For those who love working outdoors, gardening, and building construction and maintenance, our beautiful campus can always use a willing pair of hands. Some aspects of this ministry include participating in planning and budgeting for needed maintenance and improvements, performing maintenance and repair work, creating and maintaining our landscaping, mowing, and decorating the church and grounds for special occasions. LITURGICAL MINISTRY These are the people who participate in presenting the Mass, including lectors, Eucharistic ministers and altar servers. Participating in these ministries makes Mass come alive as an immersive and interactive experience. CHRISTIAN EDUCATION Under the guidance of our Director of Christian Education, this ministry focuses on faith formation for children and youth. Opportunities include teaching PSR classes, VBS groups, and helping form a Children's Liturgy to be taught during the readings and homily at Mass. MUSIC MINISTRY Music is a powerful part of our worship and our experience of the Mass. If you enjoy singing, either as a cantor or a member of a choir, or playing a musical instrument, your "joyful noise" is welcome! HOMEBOUND MINISTRY Imagine not being able to attend Mass or receive the sacrament of the Eucharist. And imagine the joy you would experience if a member of the Church would come to call and administer the Eucharist to you. The homebound ministry helps those who are unable to attend Mass participate in the Eucharist and in the life of the Church. ADULT FAITH FORMATION/RCIA This ministry is about more than helping prepare seekers to enter the Catholic Church. All of us can benefit from an ongoing study of the teachings of the church, its Sacraments, traditions, and guidance. RESPECT FOR LIFE MINISTRY Reverence for life, from conception to natural death, as a gift from God is a key teaching of the Catholic Church. Participating in this ministry of education and advocacy enables us to act on our commitment to the sanctity of life and the dignity of every human person. |
St. Mary's Catholic Church 402 Freeman St. Anna, IL 62906 618-833-5835 [email protected] Mass Schedule: Tuesday and Thursday 8:15 am Saturday 4:00 pm Sunday 8:00 am |
St. Joseph Catholic Church 101 North Centennial St., Cobden, IL 62920 (618) 893-2276 Mass Schedule: Wednesday and Friday 8:15 am Sunday: 10:00 am |